Reinforcement Learning vs Supervised Learning

A human monitors an AI program

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have many distinct forms of learning that can be used to train algorithms for different purposes. While the primary objective of machine learning is to train machines how to learn from experience, reinforcement and supervised learning are two separate methods that are quite different. 

Reinforcement and supervised learning are more than two simple subjects. They comprise a multitude of different forms and styles including unsupervised and transfer learning that can be applied to different models. These all have an impact on how a model can learn from collected data and their limitations. 

Definition and Basic Concepts

Supervised learning is a model that is trained on labeled datasets which provide algorithms with correct pairings that are basic to understand and build off of. The model then applies principles learned from these datasets to generate accurate outputs. The amount of supervision involved with these models relates to how much human oversight is present during training and learning, helping to determine whether a model is supervised or unsupervised. 

Supervised learning is beneficial to many routine pattern-based systems such as spam and fraud detection. They can identify subtle differences in patterns making it easy to spot outliers that are clearly out of order. These benefits can also extend into image classification, using large datasets to place images into certain categories much faster than humans, and are incredibly useful in space exploration where astronomical imaging creates gargantuan volumes of data. 

Reinforcement learning on the other hand is a separate method entirely that places an artificial agent in a virtual environment. The agent is then tasked with interacting with their environment to learn rules based on cause and effect, either earning rewards or penalties for their actions. 

This style of machine learning is especially helpful in video game development because it can generate bots that understand the game’s rules, giving players a variety of difficult options to play against. Likewise, they can also assist with game theory in business settings, helping professionals identify optimal strategies.

Key Differences

There are many key differences between reinforcement and supervised learning. Beyond their basic methods, there are also clear differences in the results generated. They include:

  • Data Requirements: Supervised learning relies on labeled datasets to establish general rules for the model to follow while reinforcement learning does not include labeled datasets. Instead, agents are meant to learn rules through interaction. 

  • Feedback Mechanism: Supervised learning uses a straightforward system of feedback, producing outputs that can easily be measured for accuracy whereas reinforcement learning uses penalties and rewards for feedback. 

  • Goal: Prediction accuracy is the primary goal for supervised learning, constantly analyzing patterns to improve its success. Reinforcement learning seeks to establish the most optimized strategy, using rewards to measure their reliability. 

  • Training Process: Training is vastly different for both methods. Supervised learning uses static datasets and analyzes their content to find patterns to learn from while reinforcement learning places an agent inside an environment, making decisions without any prior knowledge of the outcome. 

  • Application Areas: Supervised learning has many purposes in routine pattern identification such as classification of images and filtering. Reinforcement learning can be applied to more open-ended goals like robotics and automation

Advantages and Limitations

Supervised learning has many benefits as a straightforward learning process because it provides direct feedback. Developers can easily measure outputs to see if the model is producing accurate results. However, it is difficult to determine how well a model with operate based on new data fed into it after deployment. 

Reinforcement learning is optimal for learning in dynamic environments, giving it powerful capabilities for applications in dynamic environments like climate monitoring and route navigation. Unfortunately, these benefits can be difficult to establish because their outputs are less binary. Reward definition can lead to many grey areas where it is difficult for a machine to determine if it learned something correctly or not. 

Hybrid Approaches: Combining SL and RL

There are many styles of machine learning that go beyond supervised and reinforcement learning. They are simply just two of the most common methods. Advanced techniques like transfer learning are starting to emerge and allow knowledge to be extracted from one machine and placed into another. 

This makes it easier to create models and algorithms that can learn more advanced material because with accelerated learning, forgoing the need to learn basic concepts already understood by previous models. Likewise, this leads to more commercialized products that can be given a basic set of instructions along with room for more customizable programming

Keegan King

Keegan is an avid user and advocate for blockchain technology and its implementation in everyday life. He writes a variety of content related to cryptocurrencies while also creating marketing materials for law firms in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a part of the curriculum writing team for the bitcoin coursework at Emile Learning. Before being a writer, Keegan King was a business English Teacher in Busan, South Korea. His students included local businessmen, engineers, and doctors who all enjoyed discussions about bitcoin and blockchains. Keegan King’s favorite altcoin is Polygon.

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