Polyhedra Release zkMessenger on Greenfield
The Polyhedra Network, a network focused on zero-knowledge proof technology, has launched a new zkMessenger system for users on the recently launched Greenfield testnet by Binance and BNB Chain.
The zkMessenger will allow users to send messages across the blockchain network to other users similar to emails by utilizing Greenfield as well as sending attachments. The enhanced ability to exchange data and information is expected to increase the potential for security and faster transactions at reduced costs according to Polyhedra’s team.
Polyhedra claims that the implementation of messaging on BNB’s Greenfield will help to expand the role web3 plays in the growing decentralized ecosystem by reducing the need for users to rely on web2 technology including emails. Instead, messaging and email services connected to private keys will allow developers to further ingrain themselves in the technology that they are helping to create.