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Amazon AWS Partners With Chainlink's BUILD Program

Chainlink, one of the most popular oracle blockchains available, has made a new partnership with Amazon and AWS to help support their BUILD program which helps early-stage and established web3 projects develop blockchain-based products for the market. 

Chainlink has already made headlines featuring exclusive AI plugins from OpenAI to help spur innovation at their 2023 Spring Hackathon, but the new partnership with AWS couldn’t be any better. 

Amazon, one of the world’s largest companies, has shown interest in blockchain technology in the past and it seems they have found a way to spur new developments in oracle networks to help improve their logistical needs. 


With the new partnership, AWS will provide BUILD members with a suite of additional benefits that are unmatched by similar projects. The partnership is expected to help Chainlink’s oracle network expand with new improvements that could benefit the world’s largest e-commerce platform. 


  • Access to AWS account reps: BUILD members will have unique access to AWS account representatives that focus on startups and can provide web3 projects with specialized assistance to help them grow their businesses. 

  • $5,000 in AWS credits: Upon joining the BUILD program, members will instantly receive $5,000 worth of AWS credits that can be used to help support cloud services and data storage as a team builds out their products using on-chain and off-chain data. 

  • Opportunities for additional AWS programs: Along with BUILD assistance, members will also be given chances to join other Amazon services that can help them develop their projects more efficiently. 

Chainlink BUILD

Chainlink’s BUILD program is how the team plans to develop more interest in the oracle network by providing resources and support to members that sign up to help create new and meaningful products/services for web3 as a whole. 

The program provides members with comprehensive technical support as they develop dapps for the network. While this may seem like a simple benefit, blockchains are still unfamiliar territory for many developers and technical assistance can help teams push past major obstacles and challenges. 

The BUILD program also helps developers create more efficient tools by monitoring progress through data feeds and other sources of information. The program also offers enhanced security measures as well so that startups can keep their work from being leaked or stolen. 

How oracles help logistics

The partnership between Amazon and Chainlink isn’t just for hype either. Amazon manages huge warehouses all around the world for storing, shipping, and receiving packaged goods constantly. In order to do so efficiently, Amazon requires huge amounts of data to flow through its systems which is where Chainlink comes in. 

Amazon has already expressed interest in logistical blockchains, but Chainlink’s oracle network takes that need one step further with its ability to provide blockchains with off-chain information. This will allow Amazon to keep better records of their shipments while remaining verified and immutable, preventing more shipping mishaps from occurring. 

Massive partnerships are here

For ordinary traders, this news might give some new reasons to invest in Chainlink, but it’s not going to have major and immediate impacts. Instead, what investors need to recognize is that major corporations show serious interest in web3 even after the fiascos of 2022. 

We’ve already seen large companies like Kellogg’s, Mastercard, BlackRock, Starbucks, and Universal position themselves more closely with the web3 industry and Amazon’s latest inclusion suggests that there are multiple ways for blockchain technology to assist in everyday business.