Ankr and Polygon Team Up to Deliver New Supernet

The team at Ankr announced in early April that Polygon has officially joined the Ankr team in a partnership that will help create Polygon supernets for developers and engineers to build off of in order to support additional apps using Ankr’s Appchain service.

The partnership marks another major milestone for Polygon Labs as they continue to dominate 2023 with a consistent flow of business deals and partnerships that are helping to innovate the future of web3 as they make the Ethereum blockchain more accessible to ordinary users. 

What is Ankr and Polygon’s partnership? 

The partnership will focus on enhancing how web3 developers build on decentralized platforms and blockchains. Supernets from the Ankr protocol will allow developers on Polygon to create unique blockchains that will serve to facilitate a single application. This will help Dapps scale and become more efficient for large user bases by using a blockchain for a single purpose. 

To do so, the Polygon supernet uses Polygon Edge which is a modular blockchain stack that is EVM compatible. This gives Dapps on the Polygon supernet the ability to be interoperable, customizable, and more efficient. 

Validators will also receive a boost from the supernet as developers are able to bootstrap validator sets with professional partners from the Polygon mainnet. 

What are Ankr App Chains?

The Ankr app chain is an infrastructure vendor supported by the Ankr team that allows developers to build application-specific blockchains for supernets. Ideally, the benefit is that developers can utilize all the functions of building on a blockchain network without having to focus on building a blockchain first.

This can allow developers to spend more time on creating Dapps that they are interested in and removes the constraints of operating a blockchain which requires different skill sets. Building on a virtual blockchain also means that users will enjoy Dapps that are not subject to major traffic from other applications on the blockchain which creates a more efficient experience. 

Polygon continues its success

As said numerous times this year, Polygon is having a standout 2023 as one of the top-performing blockchain networks. It appears that Polygon Labs has focused on making its network as popular as possible by introducing more developers to its blockchain. 

Massive companies like Reddit and Starbucks have already used the layer 2 scaling solution to host numerous NFT collections with no signs of slowing down. Further, Polygon was one of the few cryptocurrencies to maintain its value through multiple failures that occurred in 2022 which shows that the team at Polygon Labs is devoted to creating a real system intended to be used by the masses. 

Web3 needs scalability 

However, this isn’t just a story about Polygon. Ankr’s commitment to bringing scalability to web3 can’t be overstated enough. Their efforts are helping to push the global adoption of blockchain technology in a way that won't be confusing or slow on the user’s end which has been considered to be a major obstacle for many new users. 

With companies like Coinbase stating that they want to attract a billion users to their Base layer 2 network, the idea of an inefficient web3 just won't suffice. By adding app chains and supernets to the growing list of tools available to developers, Ankr is promoting a future for the web3 industry that will allow it to be even more accessible to the general public than it was in 2021. 

Keegan King

Keegan is an avid user and advocate for blockchain technology and its implementation in everyday life. He writes a variety of content related to cryptocurrencies while also creating marketing materials for law firms in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a part of the curriculum writing team for the bitcoin coursework at Emile Learning. Before being a writer, Keegan King was a business English Teacher in Busan, South Korea. His students included local businessmen, engineers, and doctors who all enjoyed discussions about bitcoin and blockchains. Keegan King’s favorite altcoin is Polygon.

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