Can Art Gobblers Revive the NFT Market?

Following a rapid decline in the NFT market, Art Gobblers has quickly taken the NFT community by storm with its collection that embodies qualities from QQL and God Hates NFTees. The project also has strong backing from Paradigm, who just released their own marketplace, and a close partnership with Justin Roiland, a co-creator of Rick and Morty.

High floor price

Starting as a free mint, the collection has quickly risen to over 10 Eth, reaching nearly 15 Eth which is a massive success for the NFT market at a time where the average floor price of most NFT collections quickly drops below .05 Eth within hours of mint. 

In fact, only a few collections have risen to such evaluations since the crypto market first began crashing in early summer. Goblintown, QQL, and Digi Daigaku have been the only notable stand outs among a sea of degenerative collections that have been nearly worthless. 

Although it is good news that another strong NFT collection is joining the ranks, it’s becoming more and more clear that only a small handful of such tokens have any realistic chance of becoming major successes. 


The Art Gobblers token also comes with an interesting set of utilities that reflects similar features from the QQL generative art project created by Tyler Hobbs. The Art Gobbler platform allows people to draw and create their own art using tools and brushes that are similar to the Art Gobbler style, but still provides enough freedom for users to express their own creativity.

With these drawings, token holders are then able to feed them into their Art Gobbler (hence the name Gobbler) which is then portrayed on their stomachs. However, unlike QQL which allows users to create their own generative art, the Art Gobbler platform lets people create exactly what they want to instead of telling an AI program what to create. 

Art Gobblers will also create $GOO which is a token for the Art Gobbler collection that is earned through compounding accumulation. However, there is no real explanation of what this $GOO is going to be used for yet, so it’s hard to say how attractive the tokenomics will be. 

Seeing as the collection revolves around the user base creating their own art, we can probably assume that the $GOO will allow people to buy and sell the art that they create or gobble. 

Justin Roiland and Paradigm

A major aspect of the art as well is that it is being led by Justin Roiland who is one of the co-founders of the hit animated series Rick and Morty. While most celebrity projects tend to do poorly, the art style from Rick and Morty has already made a successful impact on the NFT market during the summer when God Hates NFTees was first released following the NFT.NYC event. 

The project is also being backed by Paradigm which just recently helped launch the Blur marketplace which is creating a new environment for NFT trading. With both projects released as a success, there is a strong chance that they will help each other move forward and elevate the NFT market back to the highs we saw a year ago. 

Keegan King

Keegan is an avid user and advocate for blockchain technology and its implementation in everyday life. He writes a variety of content related to cryptocurrencies while also creating marketing materials for law firms in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a part of the curriculum writing team for the bitcoin coursework at Emile Learning. Before being a writer, Keegan King was a business English Teacher in Busan, South Korea. His students included local businessmen, engineers, and doctors who all enjoyed discussions about bitcoin and blockchains. Keegan King’s favorite altcoin is Polygon.

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