BAYC Derivatives That Are Actually Good


Well, you can’t beat the official Ape. The MUTANT APE YACHT CLUB is a collection of up to 20,000 Mutant Apes that can only be created by exposing an existing Ape to a MUTANT SERUM (airdropped or purchased separately) or by minting a Mutant Ape in the public sale. Nearly half a million ETH in sales, the floor price is currently 14 ETH.


A combination of Bored Apes and Doodles, Society of Degenerate Apes (SODA) captures the essence of both projects and truly brings delightful colors to the NFT market. With a total collection of 9,997 Degenerate Apes, the project made 2,700 ETH in sales and a stable FP at 0.01 ETH. 

No.3 BZUKI a.k.a. BoredZUKI

If you can combine Doodles with BAYC, then why not invite Azuki to the party? The name BZUKI is pretty self explanatory. By adding Azuki’s iconic Asian style traits to the Bored Apes, you get a collection of 3,333 avatars that are waiting to build their island so they can stay bored at the beach.

No.4 FullBodyApeClub

That’s right. In the world of derivatives, you have to stay creative. When the Ape is done looking left or right, you just have to give it a full body. The FBAC project is not affiliated with the Bored Ape Yacht Club, but used with permission from individual ape owners. After launching for over 1 year, the FP is still steady at around 0.08 ETH.

No.5 Lil Baby Ape Club

If you can make them big, then you can make them small. According to Opensea, LBAC is a 5,000 Collection of Baby Apes that live on the Ethereum Network. They love to play and sometimes get into way too much trouble. With a steady FP and solid illustration, I have to say, LBAC is a pretty good BAYC derivative. Nearly 1500 ETH in total sales, and a fun-size 0.035 ETH FP.

No.6 Apocalyptic Apes

Because, why not? If the regular apes can relax at a yacht club, then mad apes can roam the post-apocalyptic world with rusty blades and handmade gears. The Apocalyptic Apes is a collection of 8,888 post-apocalypse-themed Ape NFTs inspired by dystopian futures in games, movies, and other media. These apes bring you back to those wild, unsupervised television-watching days. Over 8,500 ETH in sales and 0.22 ETH FP, 1 year after its minting.

No.7 Desperate ApeWives

Desperate ApeWives (DAW) is a web3 brand promoting the evolution of humans, artists and brands. DAW claims to be one of the first collections of female characters to challenge the status quo of representation and beauty standards in web3. More than 10,000 ETH total volume and 0.2 ETH FP. A good derivative is a pretty derivative. 


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