Bicasso And Other Generative AI NFTs To Follow

On March 1st, Binance announced the release of a test version of their AI-driven NFT generator called "Bicasso". Users can upload images and input keywords for AI computation to generate NFTs. Upon release, the 10,000 NFTs were quickly sold out and the system crashed due to high traffic, indicating its wide popularity.

The name "Bicasso" inevitably brings to mind the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. However, unlike Picasso who relied on talent and time to complete a work, Bicasso allows users to complete NFT art creation with no barriers and in just a few seconds. It seems to have realized the era of "everyone is an artist" as German artist Joseph Beuys once said.

Similar to AI art generators like DALL-E and Midjourney, Bicasso allows users to generate unique images by inputting creative ideas in English or uploading images of people, animals, landscapes, etc. The platform will generate 4 different images for users to choose from and the selected image can be minted into an NFT on the Binance chain (BNB Chain).

In fact, ChatGap, a phenomenon-level application, has opened up space for AI applications, with generative AI becoming trending and accessible by the general public. In addition to Bicasso, what other platforms in the crypto market are focused on generative AI?


In February of this year, crypto startup Solvo announced the integration of generative AI technology in its products, allowing users to create their own NFTs by designing them through uploading or taking photos, or by inputting descriptions of the images they want. Currently, Solvo allows for free AI-generated NFT minting on the Optimism chain. In future versions, users will be able to deposit and withdraw these NFTs and other NFTs.


Earlier in January this year, NFT platform Nicho, based on the BNB chain, deployed a new feature on its mainnet called the "AI Image Generator". This feature allows users to express any idea in words, which will then be automatically translated into an image using powerful AI algorithms, helping users create their own NFTs without requiring any artistic skills.


AI image generation project IgmnAI's main product, Nai, is an AI image generation robot that allows Discord and Telegram users to create art with simple text commands. IgmnAI is currently seeking a $50 million valuation with a $7.5 million funding round.


Development studio Alethea AI has developed a multimodal generative AI system called CharacterGPT, which will allow anyone to quickly create, train, and trade AI characters as NFTs on Polygon.


Using AI to create NFTs is indeed an interesting notion. It gives us just as many answers as the questions it raises. Does this still count as art? Is a project worth supporting if it was created in 2 minutes? Are users simply paying for a fancy text description in the form of an image? Tracking the performance of these projects is one way to better understand these discussions.


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