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Bitzero’s Fight Against Climate-Change in North Dakota

It is no secret that blockchain technology has a close connection to climate change. Due to the immense power that Proof-of-Work networks require to operate (especially the bitcoin network), carbon emissions for the blockchain industry have gained notoriety as they continue to impact the Earth negatively. 

This type of criticism has gained a lot of momentum because many critics believe that cryptocurrencies and blockchains are unnecessary technology with little to no benefits. However, the blockchain industry is creating opportunities and leading to innovations in the fintech space that can’t be ignored. 

Fortunately, Bitzero is aware of these concerns and has begun developing plans to reduce carbon emissions while still contributing to blockchain networks as they move their headquarters to North Dakota. 

Bitzero acquisition in North Dakota

Bitzero has taken a serious approach towards using renewable-energy as the source for its bitcoin mining operation. The company, which is in close connection with notable crypto investor Kevin O'Leary, has recently acquired a former nuclear missile silo facility in North Dakota named the Stanley R. Mickelson Safeguard Complex - which ceased operations in the late 70’s - to become the headquarters for a new data center focused on blockchain technology. 

According to a press release from the North Dakota Governor’s office, the $500 million investment into the facility from Bitzero was accepted due to the company’s expansive strategy to bring new industry to the region as well as off-setting carbon emissions with climate-friendly development plans. 

Renewable-energy data center and mining

To start, the company plans to use renewable energy to power its mining facility and data center. According to an earlier press release from the North Dakota Governor's Office, Bitzero is planning to use hydroelectric power from the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) which will help the facility reach its net-zero goal. 

The facility also plans to incorporate the offset heat generated by the data center into a local greenhouse that is being developed by WAPA as part of the agreement with Bitzero. This unique aspect of the company’s business shows how blockchain technology can be used in a method that is more beneficial to the environment. 

Agriculture has widely been recognized as a leading cause of climate change, and by incorporating the offset heat of blockchain mining activities into a productive and environmentally-friendly greenhouse, the burden of carbon-emissions can be reduced simultaneously. Depending on the success of this unique collaboration, the blockchain industry as a whole has the potential to go green.    

Plans for graphene batteries and the future of energy

The push for innovation doesn’t stop there however. Along with the green house project, Bitzero is also developing plans to manufacture graphene batteries which are considered to be more powerful than their lithium-ion counterparts. 

Although graphene batteries are more difficult to produce on a large scale needed for commercial use, Bitzero is showing that their new blockchain data center will be able to provide the resources necessary to expand the operation; allowing for a growing demand for electric-based home products to be met. 

Along with that, the company also plans to look further into wind and solar power. With continued success in renewable energy, Bitzero is doing more than just opening a new data center. They are pushing the envelope and proving that proof-of-work networks such as the bitcoin network can reach net-zero which will become necessary as growing concerns and criticism continue to plague the industry.