Consensys Launches New Education Initiative for Web3

ConsenSys, the company behind Metamask, said in a recent blog announcement that they will be starting a new web3 education program with Superchief Gallery NFT at the Oculus at Westfield World Trade Center at the end of April.

The program aims to introduce members from marginalized communities around the New York area to web3 so that they can take part in the growing industry, helping to improve their own local communities in the process. 

Web3 education program in New York

The program will initially host 300 students to help explain web3 and how it is being used to build the growing digital economy. Starting on April 29th, the program will focus on NFTs, discussing their use cases and the security that is necessary to keep investors safe. 

The first class, hosted by Elise Swopes, will go over the broad topics of web3 such as their place in the 21st-century economy, opportunities within web3 for new careers and jobs, and the ethos of web3 and how it can address more ethical issues such as helping underbanked communities and financial freedom.

Edward Zipco, Co-founder & Director of Superchief Gallery NFT, stated “Early access to technology has become a key component of economic success, and we at Superchief believe that this is an opportunity to prioritize underserved communities and create balance in the space.”

While seats at the event are limited to 300, the courses will all be available for free on Superchief’s website. 

Superchief gallery with canvas

Superchief is also taking the opportunity to display its own NFT collection to the 400,000+ daily visitors at the Westfield World Trade Center using the Canvas displays, a physical NFT frame that allows users to show off their most prized NFTs. 

The digital frames will help show how NFTs can be viewed in both the physical and digital world, transcending any doubts that they are impossible to enjoy in real-time, a major criticism when NFTs first rose to prominence in 2021. 

Improving the role of NFTs in web3

More so than just displaying NFTs in the real world, the program aims to explain to future generations how NFTs can be used beyond just a piece of art. There are many different utilities that NFTs can provide and it’s important for future developers to understand the intricate potential within non-fungible tokens. 

Many companies have already begun exploring NFTs for their businesses including as a rewards platform and collectibles. These applications are showing no signs of slowing down either as they pose little to no risk to users who can usually receive them for free.

Why education matters

While important in all areas of life, education takes a special role in the adoption of cryptocurrencies due to its confusing subject matter. In many situations, even avid users and investors have a hard time understanding the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies which makes it hard to attract larger audiences. 

However, this is further illustrated by ConsenSys as they focus on bringing web3 to marginalized communities that have less access to information regarding computer science and software engineering. By bringing these groups closer to web3, reducing the growing wealth gap in the United States and around the world becomes a much more feasible and realistic task to accomplish. 

Keegan King

Keegan is an avid user and advocate for blockchain technology and its implementation in everyday life. He writes a variety of content related to cryptocurrencies while also creating marketing materials for law firms in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a part of the curriculum writing team for the bitcoin coursework at Emile Learning. Before being a writer, Keegan King was a business English Teacher in Busan, South Korea. His students included local businessmen, engineers, and doctors who all enjoyed discussions about bitcoin and blockchains. Keegan King’s favorite altcoin is Polygon.

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