Ethereum's Q1 Website Roadmap Released

Over the weekend Ethereum published its roadmap on GitHub, detailing the upgrades it has planned for its website – not its blockchain – in the first quarter of 2023. Ethereum saw a very busy 2022, most notably with its Merge that was finalized in August. 

Subsequently, Ethereum’s website accumulated a backlog of issues that have affected its community in different ways. Aspects such as its blog format, AI integrations, open design system, and community growth plans, are set to be fixed and optimized in the roadmap. The Ethereum team is addressing each issue as well as making big upgrades. Here are five major milestones Ethereum has laid out for its website in Q1 2023. 

Pull requests and EF blog

As of January 1, 2023, had at least 300 bugs/issues and more than 150 pull requests (a code script contribution submitted for the code’s main branch). Hundreds of developers from all over the world have sent in pull requests and as they have stated on GitHub, the team has committed to “get our outstanding pull requests and issues under control.” 

Ethereum’s Geth website will also be polished up for a better user experience. Late last year Ethereum launched the go-ethereum (Geth) website, an entryway into the decentralized web, built with the Go programming language. Geth allows a user to turn their computer into an Ethereum node to deploy and execute smart contracts.

The Ethereum Foundation blog

The EF blog is also getting a makeover. Last year the team “internationalized” the blog, making it more accessible to non-English speakers by adding translation capabilities to the blog’s user experience (UX). To get the blog launched quickly the team cut several features from the project. They will be adding multiple subscription options and will “amplify the reach of important Ethereum announcements.”

Community plans

In 2022, Ethereum community engagement was significant. Community members were involved in technical discussions, community calls, design suggestions, and content creation. 

To optimize its community engagement, Ethereum’s team plans to improve how it communicates touchpoints with the community and facilitates interactions in its community by automating text translations and inviting users to submit artwork and other content for the site.

The ultimate goal is to strengthen and grow Ethereum’s community as its post-Merge developer possibilities increase.

New design system

Throughout most of 2022, Ethereum’s team was managing an open-design system, allowing community members to contribute to the website’s design. Along with its user interface (UI) library, the team has also migrated about 75% of components into a new UI structure which will improve the site’s “code quality, productivity [...] accessibility and overall [user experience].” These systems are scheduled to be fully integrated into the codebase by the end of Q1 2023.  

Launchpad integration

Ethereum is also developing its Launchpad which streamlines how Ether is staked and rewards are unlocked. They are also planning to release a new upgrade, known as Shanghai, to the Beacon Chain which will make withdrawals a permanent feature. 

They will also add educational content to the Beacon Chain to teach people about withdrawals, how to withdraw safely, and how to use deposit contracts.

AI integrations

Ethereum will also be utilizing AI to improve its website’s features. Its website is well-known for its artistic illustrations. At the end of 2022, Ethereum used text-to-image AI models; now it is incorporating its community into the design process through its Figma scratchpad where users can submit illustrations. 

The team will also utilize AI for language translation. By using machine translation, the team will be able to strengthen the community globally, delivering content to places that may not have their own translation community. This is crucial for Ethereum as its community continues growing.

A robust infrastructure

Investors, NFT creators, collectors, and blockchain enthusiasts will be glad to hear about these upgrades to Ethereum’s website, blog, and community. 2023 is set to be an exciting year for Ethereum. Its successful Merge, growing ecosystem of sidechains, and streamlined website have established a robust infrastructure for Ethereum. By building out these expansions they are well set to provide more web3 solutions for users everywhere.

Jason Rowlett

Jason is a Web3 writer and podcaster. He hosts the BCCN3 Talk podcast and YouTube channel and has interviewed several industry leaders at global Web3 events. An active crypto investor, Jason is a HODLer and advocate for the DeFi industry. He lives in Austin, Texas, where he rows competitively.


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