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God Hates NFTees: Shifting Trends in NFT Art Styles?

God Hates NFTees is the latest collection to take the Ethereum NFT market by storm. Since it’s free mint after NFT.NYC, the project was able to peak above 1 Ether; marking it as one of the most successful projects during the down market. 

There are a variety of factors that contributed to the success of this project. 

A new art style for NFTs

The artstyle for God Hates NFTees is one that is unique, familiar, and humorous all at the same time. While many NFT collections struggle to provide an appealing aesthetic, this collection immediately took off with its similarities to the Rick and Morty TV show, plus its self-deprecating humor. 

Each token depicts a character holding a picket sign that strongly criticizes NFTs as a whole. Many of these jokes are well made, striking a chord with NFT collectors who are well aware of the general public’s opinion of NFTs. 

With the crypto markets being hit left and right by scandals, scams, and ineptitude, the jokes from this project are a breath of fresh air that reminds collectors that not every NFT needs to be taken seriously. Some of them can be lighthearted and humorous, just like the TV show Rick and Morty. 

Similarities to Rick and Morty

One aspect to consider, however, is that the similarity between God Hates NFTees and Rick and Morty might be a little too close. While the project is harmless, they are still using an artstyle which pulls directly from the show. If this project wishes to continue it will need to assure its holders that they won't be subject to any IP infringement cases. 

We’ve already seen Project Godjira Gen 2 delisted from Opensea because of a meme pretending to be a DCMA from Toho Co., Ltd. Avoiding a potential lawsuit would be in the best interest of not only the team but also their community. 

Potential for partnership with Rick and Morty

On the flip side, a partnership with Rick and Morty would be massive, not only for the project itself but the entire NFT ecosystem. This could open the door to an official Rick and Morty community on the blockchain.

Providing a place for fans of the show to gather together to share in the Rick and Morty experience has the potential of establishing a closer connection with viewers similarly as Gossamer Seed. It is unlikely, but it is something that could bring web3 closer to fans. 

Successful marketing at NFT.NYC

One of the biggest contributing factors to this project was how it was able to market itself during the NFT.NYC. During the event, a group of “protestors” carried picket signs around trying to tell anyone listening that NFTs are evil.

The event went viral on Twitter immediately, with many people in the NFT space sharing images of the various signs online. Due to this, the NFTs were able to maintain a strong wave of momentum when they began their free mint. 

NFT collectors have a sense of humor

One of the biggest aspects to take away from this project is that humor is always refreshing in NFT communities. Traders have a sense of humor and seeing projects like this allow many to step back and laugh at themselves and the web3 space.

The website for God Hates NFTees is full of silly descriptions of the team. For any serious project, these descriptions would be a death sentence, but for a project that is marketing itself with humor, they have hit a sweet spot that many traders are happy to become a part of.