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Helium Partners with T-Mobile for New 5G Network

As decentralized networks continue to grow with blockchain technologies, we’re starting to see the formation of a lot of new innovations in how we digitally interact with each other. In a recent announcement, the Helium network conveyed their plans for creating and operating a new 5G network that runs off their network through a partnership with T-Mobile.

Decentralized Cellular Coverage 

Following Solana’s mobile phone announcement earlier this summer, the concept of decentralized cellular coverage has taken over as developers begin to experiment with how smartphones can interact with the blockchain. 

The potential for new innovation here is limitless. With the immense popularity of smartphones, Helium is providing a new level of exposure for ordinary people towards the blockchain without the risk of losing out on their investments. Instead, they are being offered a new product service which is opening the doors to web3 without the risk of poor investing. 


With decentralization, cellular networks are able to provide a new suite of features to customers that are normally unavailable through conventional coverage plans. 

  • Ownership

Like most benefits in web3, direct ownership is one of the most important aspects that customers can experience from blockchain technology. By partaking in the service, customers aid the network in growth which means that it will become more efficient with every new user. 

The added benefit is that anyone that operates a Helium miner will also begin to reap additional rewards, thus compounding the benefits of decentralized ownership. 

  • Powered by crypto incentives

Because the Helium network is generated by users that interact with their services through their miners, users are able to earn incentives paid out with native crypto tokens from extended use of the service. 

This creates a new perk which pays users back for participating with Helium’s network and will lead to the expansion of that network because web2 services are unable to provide similar incentives through a blockchain. 

  • Data privacy

Helium has also made it clear that data privacy is a core pillar of this new service. Web2 companies are often criticized because of how much user data they sell and web3 aims to solve that by pulling data away from the massive tech companies that dominate web2. 

Powered by T-Mobile

However, one web2 company interested in the project is T-Mobile who has partnered with Helium to help operate the 5G network in order to make it accessible to customers through their business. 

It’s another mark that web3 and crypto adoption are already happening and no longer something to speculate about. As more and more liquidity enters the crypto markets, major companies are starting to see the value in web3. 

This was already apparent with Coinbase’s partnership with BlackRock, but now we are seeing the results of growing adoption with new blockchain-based services being offered to customers.

Nova Labs

To run the entire service, Helium has created a new lab called Nova to run operations under Boris Renski’s leadership. Resnki originally worked for FreedomFi which partnered with Bobcat Miner to help expand the Helium network with their most powerful broadcasting ranges to date. 

Due to the formation of this new lab, Helium will be able to provide a strong network to customers with a dedicated and growing team. Along with Solana's smartphone, the future looks bright for mobile blockchain products.