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Hellequinnn Named New CEO of Llamaverse

NFTLlama, the founder of Llamaverse, has announced that he has changed positions at Llamaverse, becoming the CTO & CPO due to a workstyle that was incompatible with the chief executive position; and Hellequinnn is set to take over as the new CEO. 

The announcement caused some brief concern among the Llamaverse community, but that criticism was eventually rejected after the dust settled and the community understood why the team decided to reorganize their leadership structure. 

Who is replacing NFTLlama?

With NFTLlama’s transition to CTO, the team decided to appoint Hellequinnn as the new CEO of the team who has been an integral part of the team since the Llamaverse first began in September 2021. 

The change in leadership came after the team all agreed that NFTLlama was “too eager” with new ideas and projects which led to a lot of confusion for the rest of the team as he began working on new projects without notifying the rest of the team or listening to their thoughts. 

However, this isn’t being viewed as a bad thing by the team as they look at NFTLlama’s commitment and enthusiasm as a positive. Their only concern was how it was affecting the organization of the project which was unable to keep up. 

So, to counteract the issue, the team decided to rearrange NFTLlama’s position by making him the new CTO/CPO where he can enjoy more free reign over project management and development with the assistance of an executive team helping to direct his new ideas. 

Testing a Community Council

The team also decided to try a new community council system to test the waters on how they can incorporate their community in larger decisions for the web3 project.

While specifics about the council were sparse, the general plan for the council is to be given a fully detailed proposal from either NFTLlama, Hellequinnn, and others which can then be voted on by the council to determine if it will be implemented or not. 

Next, the team would begin working on the project with minor updates to squash overhyping or making unexpected announcements that could cause confusion within the community as a direct response to the extreme eagerness generally put forward by NFTLlama.

Community response

In true NFT fashion, the community immediately called the change a rug pull without examining any of the facts or understanding the reasons for the changes, which was eventually criticized by NFTLlama who was visibly frustrated with the community’s initial response. 

Fortunately, opinions started to shift to a more positive sentiment as brighter minds within the Llamaverse recognized NFTLlama’s continued commitment to the project. Tweets quickly popped up with many people supporting the decision, stating that NFTLlama was thinking about the project first, respecting his decision to remain under the leadership of Hellequinnn so that he could pursue a role more appropriate to his workflow. 

Examples of other NFT reorganizations

To further emphasize the overaction by some of the community members in Llamaverse, this is not the first time an NFT project has experienced a reorganization. Pudgy Penguins is a notable example of a project that changed leadership (for albeit, completely different reasons) and they have gone on to become one of the most successful NFT collections at the moment because of a renewed interest in the artwork caused by Luca Schnetzler. 

With Llamaverse being as significant as it is, the collection’s reorganization has potential to lead the community down a highly-valuable path. The team has a strong network of connections in web3 and this change in leadership should come as no write-off for the team.