Solana Sunday: A New SDK with Familiar Languages

The recent launch of the Aptos mainnet has caused a bit of tension for the Solana network because Aptos has quickly become recognized as a realistic rival to the Solana network; and with trading activity for Solana NFTs beginning to slow down with only a few notable collections carrying the bulk of the network’s attention, it is not hard to understand why.

Fortunately, Solana is still a popular network and is expanding itself in a remarkable way with a variety of technical partnerships that are bringing new talent onto the proof-of-stake network. The latest addition comes from ThirdWeb which has a large number of full stack developers ready to begin creating new projects on the Solana blockchain. 

Difficulties building web3

One of the common struggles for developing on blockchains in general is the fact that many of the smart contracts used by decentralized protocols require new programming languages. This challenge is compounded even further by the fact that blockchain protocols are immutable, meaning that there is no room for error when developing Dapps on a decentralized network. 

While testnets do exist, it is still a stressful aspect of blockchain development that needs to be addressed because a lot of time can be wasted by a single mistake that has gone unnoticed; and because these are new languages for many developers, these mistakes have a higher chance of occurring and becoming permanent on the mainnet. 

This inherent risk in the network means that developer growth and scaling for decentralized business and applications become much more difficult. Following the path of least resistance is common for many people and working on blockchains has a lot of resistance. 

Third web live

The new Solana SDK from ThirdWeb allows developers to create frontend and backend applications using common programming languages including Javascript which lowers the barrier of entry for developers because it allows them to apply skills that they are already familiar with.

Developers will also be able to interact with different aspects of the programs they develop. This specifically regards NFTs too, which their documentation says can be managed from the ThirdWeb dashboard by connecting to the program to interact with them. 

Developers will be able to access the NFT collection and any drops associated with it in an effort to maximize features and utilities that go along with an upcoming NFT collection on the Solana network.

Further, developers are also given the ability to work on tokenomics for the collection as well which has become a popular utility itself with collections such as DeGods implementing their $DUST token. 

Upcoming Hackathon

To increase the exposure of Solana’s newest SDK and the attention given by curious developers, Thirdweb has partnered with BuildSpaces to host a hackathon in an attempt to see what new possibilities can be created using ThirdWeb’s features. 

Winners can win up to 330 Sol (or $10,000 at the time of this writing) as an incentive to join the hackathon and test their abilities in blockchain development using more familiar programming languages. 

If all goes well, this could have a significant impact on the future of Solana which is consistently pushing for more advanced technology everyday. 

Keegan King

Keegan is an avid user and advocate for blockchain technology and its implementation in everyday life. He writes a variety of content related to cryptocurrencies while also creating marketing materials for law firms in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a part of the curriculum writing team for the bitcoin coursework at Emile Learning. Before being a writer, Keegan King was a business English Teacher in Busan, South Korea. His students included local businessmen, engineers, and doctors who all enjoyed discussions about bitcoin and blockchains. Keegan King’s favorite altcoin is Polygon.

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