The Unsung Advantages of Dapps

The potential of decentralized applications (Dapps) is far-reaching, and it is becoming increasingly clear that Dapps will revolutionize how we interact with web3. Unlike traditional web2 apps, Dapps are built on blockchain technology and exist within a distributed, decentralized network. Here are three major advantages of using Dapps:

Lack of censorship in web3

Dapps can be completely uncensored due to their distributed nature. In a world where censorship has become a major issue in many countries, Dapps offer users the freedom to use applications without worrying about censorship or being restricted by centralized authorities. Tools like Beam wallet allow users to interact with Dapps that are locally hosted (decentralized).

Furthermore, Dapps allow developers to introduce new features more quickly since they do not need to wait for approval from a central entity before making changes. Developers are free to develop whatever type of dapp they choose – from games to financial services – without having to worry about being blocked or censored by any one entity. 

Secure nature in blockchain technology

The decentralized nature of Dapps makes them inherently more secure than web2 applications. Dapps are hosted on a distributed ledger, meaning that the data is stored across multiple nodes and there is no single point of failure. This prevents malicious actors from compromising Dapps as their attempts to hack into one node will not affect the rest of the network. Dapps also make use of cryptographic algorithms to ensure that data is encrypted and secure.

In comparison, web2 applications are hosted on centralized servers which can be more easily targeted by cybercriminals. Web2 applications are also subject to server crashes or outages, whereas Dapps continue to run regardless of the underlying network conditions; if one node on a blockchain goes down, the blockchain can still operate unaffected on the other nodes. This means Dapps can offer higher levels of reliability and availability than native web2 applications.

Lower transaction fees than web2

With Dapps, users can perform transactions and access services without relying on a central authority, making them much more secure and efficient. Dapps are able to reduce gas (transaction) fees for users significantly because no central authority is present in the Dapp’s operation; therefore, no extra fee needs to be paid to a third party for overhead. 

Additionally, Dapps can help reduce transaction fees since they are not subject to traditional banking or government regulations that often cause high fees. As Dapps become more popular and more widely used, they have been able to reduce transaction fees dramatically compared to traditional web2 services which are by their nature dependent on central authorities to operate.

A bright future for Dapps

Dapps are here to stay, and they will only continue to grow in popularity as developers and users become more aware of the potential Dapps offer for web3. With Dapps allowing users the freedom to use applications without worrying about censorship or being restricted by centralized authorities, Dapps are sure to shape the way people interact with technology.

It is essential that developers and users alike become aware of Dapps and their potential as they look set to revolutionize the way we interact with technology both now and in the years ahead.

What do you think about the future of Dapps? Let us know in the comments!

Jason Rowlett

Jason is a Web3 writer and podcaster. He hosts the BCCN3 Talk podcast and YouTube channel and has interviewed several industry leaders at global Web3 events. An active crypto investor, Jason is a HODLer and advocate for the DeFi industry. He lives in Austin, Texas, where he rows competitively.


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