Why do Artists Prefer the Tezos Network?

Art is one of the key pillars of the NFT ecosystem. It drives momentum for the majority of NFT collections and has helped create a new format for artists to work with. The variety of tools provided by web3 has allowed a new level of creativity to spawn on different blockchains, and a popular choice for many artists has been the Tezos blockchain instead of Ethereum or Solana. 

What is Tezos?

Proposed by Kathleen and Arthur Breitman in 2014, the Tezos blockchain is one of the earliest proof of stake networks available. Made in direct response to concerns on the bitcoin network, Tezos was created with additional functionality that would allow it to scale over time in order to keep the network efficient and effective for future onboarding. 

  • Liquid Staking

Similar to Ethereum, the Tezos blockchain allows users to stake their $XTZ tokens to help expand and decentralize the Tezos network. 

A key feature of staking on Tezos is its liquid staking mechanics which provide users with the luxury of being able to unstake their funds at any moment, unlike other networks. 

This lack of locking up funds means that users experience a greater level of freedom on the network as opposed to other blockchains which have strict periods for staked funds. 

  • Self-Amendment Process

The self-amending process on Tezos is a unique mechanic which allows all Tezos token holders to voice their opinions on the future of the network through voting mechanisms which are governed by $XTZ. This allows every holder to have a say on the matter, pushing it in the direction that the entire community is happy with. 

There have been 11 updates to this self-amending process with the Kathmandu update, which occurred in September 2022,  being the most recent. This update, led by Nomadic Labs, helped improve the functionality of the Tezos smart contracts with improvements to roll-ups and messaging systems to off-chain applications. 

  • Michelson Smart Contracts

Smart contracts written on the Tezos network use a different programming language called Michelson which has been described as an easier language for developers and artists to use on the network. This language has been helpful in establishing other popular languages such as Liquidity

FxHash Art Community

Similar to Art Blocks, FxHash has become the primary generative art community on the Tezos network. Many of the artists in this group use their coding experience to help express themselves artistically using various digital tools such as their paintbrush. 

Artists such as Yazid and Yi-Wen Lin have become popular figures within the FxHash, helping to promote the legitimacy of generative art on Tezos. In an interview, Yi-Wen Lin stated that his interest in FxHash began when there was no need to apply to the group like Art Blocks requires. 

Instead, Lin was able to immediately begin working with the FxHash team to develop his artwork. This swiftness was a large appeal and something that others have also begun to notice with Tezos’ rising popularity among generative artists. 

Partnership with Art Basel

The network's latest highlight among generative artists comes from their partnership with Art Basel and their upcoming show in Paris from October 20-23. Tezos will host their own curated NFT section at the event with art made on their blockchain. 

There will also be a list of speakers and panel discussions to further explain the benefits of decentralization in the art world and how NFTs are bridging the connection between culture and technology for future artists to explore. 

Keegan King

Keegan is an avid user and advocate for blockchain technology and its implementation in everyday life. He writes a variety of content related to cryptocurrencies while also creating marketing materials for law firms in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a part of the curriculum writing team for the bitcoin coursework at Emile Learning. Before being a writer, Keegan King was a business English Teacher in Busan, South Korea. His students included local businessmen, engineers, and doctors who all enjoyed discussions about bitcoin and blockchains. Keegan King’s favorite altcoin is Polygon.


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