Will ChatGPT Browsing Change How Crypto is Marketed?

Since its launch in late 2022, ChatGPT by OpenAI has become a game changer in nearly every industry around the world. Its impact has been so significant that many are concerned about the speed of its development and how this new technology will affect careers, politics, scams, and the supply of accurate information. 

However, OpenAI has done much more than rest on its laurels. Earlier in May 2023, OpenAI announced that they will be including browser integration for ChatGPT plus users which will undoubtedly open the door for crypto investors, but recent developments by Google Bard could steal the show. 

Browsing is coming to ChatGPT Plus

When ChatGPT originally launched its plus service additional it was possible to provide OpenAI with additional information related to how users intended to use ChatGPT whether it be for personal or business reasons. This led to the creation of multiple waitlists that separated users by what early features they would be most interested in and browsing capabilities were one of those features, however not everyone got access to it because of the waitlists. 

Fortunately, the waitlist for ChatGPT browsing will no longer be an issue as the company begins to roll out the feature for paying customers. However, it is unclear whether the browsing is paired with GPT3.5 or GPT4 which could make a significant difference in the efficacy of the rollout.

AI browsing’s Impact on crypto trading

While it’s hard to define the impact of GPT browsing for crypto traders, the significance could be immense. Crypto trading and investing (especially during this current memecoin frenzy) have often relied on being the first to discover a quality token or network. By being an early investor, many people have been able to amass life-changing amounts of money. 

With new browsing capabilities, it will soon be possible for ChatGPT to scroll the world wide web for upcoming cryptocurrencies before influencers and alpha groups, putting investors in a valuable position. 

However, if everyone were to use ChatGPT’s browsing for the same reasons it could lead to awkward situations where everyone is investing in the same tokens without recognizing the bigger picture. If this is the case, competitive AI services may begin to notice and provide unique advantages to acquire more market share.

Can Google Bard compete?

Google, OpenAI’s upcoming AI rival, has quickly scrambled its AI services together since the release of ChatGPT. OpenAI’s chatbot has provoked a lot of thought at Google as they continue to acquire new customers without competing services, so Google has launched its own AI service called Bard for Google account holders. 

Although the service is still in development compared to its more complex rival at OpenAI, Bard does offer a few unique advantages. As a part of Google, Bard is capable of integrating itself completely with all major Google services; and while this is not fully available yet as a feature, glimpses of a more robust AI service are being hinted at with Bard’s native Google Search features which are built directly into the program. 

A new wave or more hype trains?

With further development, both Google Bard and ChatGPT are undoubtedly going to become a bigger part of crypto investment strategies due to the new browsing capabilities. However, it’ll be interesting to see how both AI services vary in terms of prospective cryptocurrencies which could lead to a significant shift in customer bases as information comes out about which AI service provided more successful information that led to gains. 

Either way, AI’s sudden emergence has the power to alter how cryptocurrencies are found and invested which could help spur the hype train as “found by AI” becomes the new tagline for crypto “investors” looking to gamble on the latest token trends. 

Keegan King

Keegan is an avid user and advocate for blockchain technology and its implementation in everyday life. He writes a variety of content related to cryptocurrencies while also creating marketing materials for law firms in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a part of the curriculum writing team for the bitcoin coursework at Emile Learning. Before being a writer, Keegan King was a business English Teacher in Busan, South Korea. His students included local businessmen, engineers, and doctors who all enjoyed discussions about bitcoin and blockchains. Keegan King’s favorite altcoin is Polygon.


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