Role of AI in Combating Climate Change

A solar panel in a park near highrise office buildings and a clear sky

Climate change is quickly becoming a major concern as global temperatures continue to spike, causing changes in our global weather patterns. Fortunately, innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are creating new ways for climate scientists to combat changes caused by greenhouse gases and fossil fuels. 

With Machine Learning (ML), AI can analyze vast amounts of datasets gathered from around the world to compare them with CO2 emissions and other concerning factors. By compiling this information, climate scientists can use AI to optimize green technology and manage power grids. 

Understanding AI and its Relevance to Climate Change

Climate scientists can use Deep Learning (DL) to gain valuable insights into our world’s weather patterns using historical and real-time data. This gives us a distinct advantage in fighting global warming by giving us more accurate predictions for long-term forecasting. 

Neural Networks, which mimic the human brain’s ability to process information, can interpret massive quantities of data at high speeds for immediate, practical purposes. They are capable of running data collected by satellites, weather stations, and ocean buoys to detect anomalies and other strange patterns worth investigating. 

Key ways that AI is being used to combat climate change include:

  • Renewable Energy: AI algorithms can be used to analyze weather patterns and determine the most optimal times to generate energy from solar panels and wind turbines. Predictive Analytics can also help electric providers prepare for high-consumption seasons. 

  • Climate Modeling and Prediction: Climate change is a complex phenomenon to observe and record due to changes in industry and the economy playing a significant factor. Machine Learning algorithms can unscramble these complexities by analyzing multi-dimensional datasets from around the world. 

  • Carbon Capture and Sequestration: AI can help reduce greenhouse gases through integration with carbon recapturing programs that can directly remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Additionally, AI can also assist with carbon storage solutions.

  • Climate Change Adaptation: Without intervention, climate change will only become worse, causing more intense weather events and calamities, but fortunately AI can help mitigate those disasters by providing humans with predictions on where infrastructure needs improvement. 

Successes in Combating Climate Change with AI

With climate change already becoming a larger concern for geologists and climate scientists, the implementation of AI technology has already begun in many of the world’s largest tech companies:

  • Google DeepMind: Developed by Google, DeepMind is an AI system that is responsible for managing many of Google’s data centers. By analyzing weather forecasts and energy consumption, the algorithm was able to optimize cooling while reducing overall energy usage by 15%. 

  • IBM Precision Agriculture: The Watson Decision Maker for Agriculture is a robust AI system that helps farmers optimize crop yields by analyzing weather data which also helps reduce carbon emissions created by industrial farming. 

  • Carbon Clean Solutions: CCS is a carbon-capturing company that separates CO2 from industrial gas streams using AI to optimize the process, making the service more affordable for businesses. 

  • Microsoft AI for Earth: Microsoft’s grant-funded initiative is helping to spur innovation by supporting companies such as Silvia Terra that are using AI to monitor forests down to the individual tree species and health for greener logging practices.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

While there are many benefits to using AI to fight climate change, many obstacles still exist such as model bias and inaccurate data interpretations that could lead to mistakes in preservation strategies. 

However, some of the largest hurdles will come from those who oppose climate change and the measures being taken to mitigate the dangers of global warming. AI is also under intense scrutiny as the public becomes more aware of its use from the excitement caused by large language models like ChatGPT. 

Although both climate change and AI are being used to better our planet, there is a tight legal intersection between the two that could stall efforts if green tech companies don’t navigate past these obstacles properly. 

AI's Potential in Future Climate Change Solutions

Despite the challenges, the combination of AI and green technology is becoming a crucial investment for businesses worldwide in order to achieve a net-zero society. With the effects of climate change, like the recent coral bleaching happening in the Florida Keys, only getting worse, the use of AI to fight climate change is becoming increasingly necessary. 

Fortunately, innovative concepts like smart cities are being developed to fight climate change in urban environments by creating sustainable infrastructure for public transportation and energy consumption that AI is helping to create. 

Coupled with more advancements in technology like climate modeling and carbon capturing, preventing climate change could become easier than ever as we scurry for new ways to heal the planet before it becomes too late.

Keegan King

Keegan is an avid user and advocate for blockchain technology and its implementation in everyday life. He writes a variety of content related to cryptocurrencies while also creating marketing materials for law firms in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a part of the curriculum writing team for the bitcoin coursework at Emile Learning. Before being a writer, Keegan King was a business English Teacher in Busan, South Korea. His students included local businessmen, engineers, and doctors who all enjoyed discussions about bitcoin and blockchains. Keegan King’s favorite altcoin is Polygon.

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