Survey: 43% of Job Interviews to be Conducted by AI in 2024

A new survey from Resume Builder taken this month shows 43% of companies would use artificial intelligence (AI) to conduct interviews. Only 10% of companies currently use AI to conduct interviews, but many more companies want to acquire ‘interview bots’ by next year. 

The survey revealed a staggering increase in AI adoption in the workplace. Of the 43% who are currently using AI or will adopt the technology for the hiring process next year, the survey found:

  1. 15% of companies said they would like to use AI to make decisions on candidates without human input.

  2. 14% say AI is the last step in the decision-making process.

  3. 17% said an AI interview would be the only step in the hiring process.

  4. 40% said they would also use AI to evaluate a candidate’s culture fit.

  5. 79% said it is ‘very’ or ‘somewhat likely’ AI interviews will screen out worthy candidates more often than human interviewers.

  6. 60% believe the widely used Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) recruiting tool is more effective than AI interviews.

Resume Builder surveyed over 1,000 employees that work in the hiring process but did not disclose the sample of industries the companies are in. While there is still high demand for interviews to be conducted, at least in part, by humans, AI is nonetheless surging in popularity as a tool that will enhance efficiency in the hiring process.


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